The Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South - Investigation was completed. The information in this website has been archived and will not be updated. Please visit the following website for the latest information on Yuen Long South Development Area:
Preliminary Outline Development Plan
Overall Planning and Design Framework
Yuen Long South is set against the well-developed Yuen Long New Town and the proposed Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area in the north, while flanked by hillslopes, Tai Lam Country Park, rural landscape in its west, south and east. The overall planning and design framework for Yuen Long South draws upon this contrasting setting to establish its own identity.
Main Features
1. Accommodating Diversity
- Plan and develop as new town extension, provide commercial and community facilities at key focal point of each residential area to create a well-served neighbourhood.
- Create an employment belt along Yuen Long Highway to consolidate the open storage and rural industrial uses, and to avoid the intrusion of heavy goods vehicles into residential neighbourhoods.
- Retain existing well-established residential communities.
- Create a Green Zone comprising active agricultural land integrated with preserved secondary woodland and natural stream courses, signifying the identity of Yuen Long South.
2. Respecting the Surrounding Environment
- Provide a harmonious transition from high-density urban environment near Yuen Long New Town to low and medium-density developments near the Tai Lam Country Park by a gradation of building heights and development intensities from north to south, and a diversity of living styles.
3. Creating Livable and Sustainable Neighbourhood
- Revitalise the existing nullahs into sustainable drainage channels and attractive public spaces.
- Provide a comprehensive network of green space integrated with active agricultural land, preserved secondary woodland, natural streams, open spaces and sustainable flood control measures such as flood retention lakes.
- Provide a scenic cycle track and walking trail connecting Tai Lam Country Park with the Green Zone.
- Provide view corridors and breezeways, fostering visual links to surrounding landmarks and natural features, and improving air ventilation.
4. Enhancing Accessibility
- Provide comprehensive road, pedestrian and cycle track networks within the PDAs for improving the traffic within the PDAs as well as the linkages with Yuen Long New Town, the proposed Hun Shui Kiu NDA and the surrounding settlements.
5. Considering Transport Capacity
- In the determination of the population of Yuen Long South, consideration should be given to the road capacity. Any population and development intensity proposed should be supported with technical assessments and road improvement proposals within the Study Area and sustained within the capacity of external road links.