The Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South - Investigation was completed. The information in this website has been archived and will not be updated. Please visit the following website for the latest information on Yuen Long South Development Area:

Preliminary Outline Development Plan (PODP)


Key Land Use Proposals

Based on the Overall Planning and Design Framework and public comments gathered in the Stage 1 CE, the PODP, comprising 5 Planning Areas and providing a total population of about 80,200, about 10,900 jobs and a variety of community facilities, has been formulated to realise the vision for Yuen Long South.

This is the Preliminary Outline Development Plan for Yuen Long South showing the land use proposal. This plan shows the land use budget of the Preliminary Outline Development Plan including 40% residential, 18% road and utilities, 9% open storage and rural industries, 6% district open space, 5.5& preserved ecologically important areas, 5% agricultural, 5% local open space, 4.5% retained development, 4% government, institution and community, 2% commercial and 1% amensity area.
The proposed population is about 80,200 including existing population of about 2,200. The proposed number of flats is about 26,100. The housing mix of 60% public housing, including public rental housing and subsidised housing, to 40% private housing. There will be about 174,600 sqm of commercial floor area, about 586,000 sqm of floor area for rural industrial uses and about 5 hectares of open storage. The job opportunities will be about 10,900.