The Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South - Investigation was completed. The information in this website has been archived and will not be updated. Please visit the following website for the latest information on Yuen Long South Development Area:

Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP)


A Planning and Engineering Review on the RODP was commenced in end 2018, in response to wider public views and demand for more housing after the promulgation of the RODP in 2017. The RODP has been revised (Revised RODP) for a total population of about 101,200, of which about 98,700 will be housed in about 32,850 new flats (constituting about 15% increase as compared with the RODP).

Key changes include: to optimise the development intensity of some public housing sites and sites for accommodating brownfield operations under Stages 1 and 2 of the Yuen Long South Development Area (YLS DA); to increase the public housing component in the overall housing mix; and to provide more commercial and community facilities in the YLS DA. A series of planning and technical assessments were conducted to support the proposed development.

Relevant documents can be downloaded via the links below: