The Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South - Investigation was completed. The information in this website has been archived and will not be updated. Please visit the following website for the latest information on Yuen Long South Development Area:

Draft Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP)


Implementation Arrangement

To ensure timely and orderly implementation of the Yuen Long South project, the Government will consider the “Enhanced Conventional New Town” approach as the implementation mode, making reference to that adopted for the Kwu Tung North and Fanling North (KTN/FLN) New Development Areas (NDAs), under which the Government will resume land required for the project while allowing the processing of land owners’ applications for land exchange over individual sites planned for private developments subject to meeting specified criteria and conditions.

The planning of the Yuen Long South project has minimised the impacts on existing residents as far as possible. However, it is unavoidable that some existing structures would have to be cleared. The Government will devise suitable arrangement for all those affected by the project. In this connection, the Government plans to provide local rehousing to the eligible affected households. The Government would also consider special compensation and rehousing arrangements for the affected clearees, making reference to the compensation and rehousing package for the KTN/FLN NDAs.

The special agricultural rehabilitation scheme announced for the KTN/FLN NDAs, by giving priority assistance in matching of affected farmers and agricultural landowners, would be proposed.

The Government will work out further details of the above implementation arrangements in the next stage, in the light of the views and suggestions collected in Stage 3 CE.


Development Timetable

Upon the finalisation of the RODP, the EIA would be completed under EIA Ordinance to confirm the environmental acceptability of the proposed development. The Yuen Long South development would be developed in stages and the first population intake is targeted in 2026. We shall formulate detailed development staging plan and timetable at the next stage, in light of the public views and suggestions received in Stage 3 CE. We will ensure timely provision of community facilities and infrastructure in tandem with the proposed timetable of the project.